a busy night at broken spanish.
we are already huge fans of b.s. taqueria, and couldn't wait to try broken spanish! the food was ridiculous. comforting, flavorful and a whole new experience with mexican food for me.

noodles and dumpling heaven at JTYH.
there are several restaurants that i frequent a lot, because they are cheap and delicious and comforting and easy, but i never think to bring my camera. but since these places are some of my favorites, i am really going to try and make an effort to share them here as well. first up is JTYH restaurant, a chinese restaurant located in the san gabriel valley

commissary at the line hotel.
after hearing much about it and seeing all the beautiful photos of the interior on instagram, we finally dined at commissary at the line hotel in koreatown. the greenhouse space is so dreamy, with hanging plants spilling their foliage all around and above the diners.