
i love to eat and travel and document as much of it as i can.

roks, torshavn.

roks, torshavn.

april 2022

our best meal in the faroes was at roks, which offers two tasting menus of local seafood and amazing wines. the smaller one is called nearly ashore, and the larger is totally on the roks. obviously, we went with the latter.

bread & butter.

broyskin toskaskræða við urtakremi (crispy cod skin with herb crème).

hummari við bloody mary sós (langoustine with bloody mary sauce).

igulker (sea urchin).

the meal was spectacular and i particularly enjoyed getting to try the simple preparations of local seafood that you can’t get anywhere. we’re spoiled in LA that we have easy access to sea urchin from santa barbara, and even pretty easily get imports of sea urchin from hokkaido but i don’t know where else we’d really get to try different types of faroese urchin (apparently, at iluka in copenhagen according to this vice article).

kræklingur við sitrón og piparsós (blue mussel with lemon and pepper sauce).

leistur (sole).

niðursjóðað sílarogn við eplapannukøku (cured trout roe with potato pancake).

igulkerjaeggjakoka við kaviarur (omelette with sea urchin and caviar).

steikt lodna (pan fried capelin).

i appreciated that the food never took itself too seriously, and just felt like it was showcasing local food and traditions. everything was delicious and comforting and there was a great range in flavors and textures to balance everything out. though not pictured, we did the wine pairing and it was excellent.

grønmetissúlta (pickled vegetables).

agurkusalat (cucumber salat).

ertnasalat (pea salad).

hjartasalat (heart lettuce).

rækjur (prawns).

innbakað reyðsproka (plaice en croute).

section of innbakað reyðsproka.

rugterta við grillaðum blommun og vaniljuísi (rye tart with grilled plums and vanilla ice cream).

sjokolàta (chocolates).

end of the night, we’re always the last table.

5, 100 Gongin, Tórshavn

barbara fish, torshavn.

barbara fish, torshavn.

snapshots from the faroe islands.

snapshots from the faroe islands.