morihiro, atwater village.

things got really quiet on this thing when the pandemic hit. and starting about 2 years ago, after getting fully vaccinated, we started returning to old eating and traveling form, but i increasingly don’t feel the need to use my “fancy” camera (more and more phone photos). even more so, i haven’t wanted to sit at my desk, editing photos and writing blog posts.
however, as we we prepare for our next big annual spring trip, i am sad i don’t have the photos or posts from the great meals we’ve had, or fun places we’ve been. so maybe i will start working through the backlog and get back into a groove of some kind. maybe.
anyway, over 1.5 years ago (august 2021 according to my records), our besties came to visit us in LA for the first time since the start of the pandemic. we wanted to celebrate and managed to snag a table reservation at morihiro in atwater. of course we also go the sake pairing!
let’s be honest, this meal happened so long ago that i don’t remember the specifics and i can’t find any notes. what i do remember was what an amazing experience it was. the combination of the amazing food, impeccable presentation, warm service and the very best company. i do hope to return and sit at the counter one day though.
a note about the neighborhood.. morihiro is just down the street from us. we’ve lived here for ten years now, and it’s exciting to see our sleepy (but sweet and adorable) corner of LA change over time. there have been a lot of starts and stops, but morihiro is still going strong from what we can tell, and there are more delicious things on their way.
3133 Glendale Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90039