the michelin guide returns to LA.

the michelin guide has finally returned to los angeles, in the form of a california guide. having spent most of my adult restaurant-going years in a city with an amazing food scene and no guide has made it one of those things i don’t really think about, even when traveling. the omissions from the list are also hard to ignore.. however, i’ll admit it’s somewhat vindicating to see that we’ve been to quite a few of the newly awarded restaurants, and loved them. i’ve included a couple photos for each of the ones we’ve been to, as well as linked the restaurant name to its respective post for your reading pleasure.
two stars
providence, 2016
one star
maude, 2017
q sushi, 2016
shibumi, 2017
taco maria, 2016
i don’t have posts for these next three (yet! maybe eventually?) but here are a couple photos anyway..
orsa & winston, 2013
osteria mozza, 2018
rustic canyon, 2019
san francisco
just for fun, since this was a california guide, here are the starred restaurants we’ve been to up in san francisco (both with our dear friends jon and jason!).