british museum, london.

for our anniversary trip this year, we decided to go to the UK, but only had one week! we started with four days in scotland (see more about edinburgh here and here, and isle of skye here and here). we then had just a short two days to spend in london, and we spend a quarter of that (aka half an entire day) at the british museum.
the building is absolutely gorgeous. i couldn’t get a picture that does justice to their light-filled great court area. anyway, we decided to spend half a day there purely because it’s where the rosetta stone is located. as in, the. actual. rosetta stone. i’ll be honest, this was the coolest thing we got to see on our entire trip.
the rosetta stone.
with our limited time, we knew we couldn’t see everything housed at the museum, so in the same vein of the rosetta stone, we decided to focus mainly on ancient egypt. living in LA, we don’t get to see much in museums from egypt outside of special exhibitions that have pieces on loan from somewhere like the british museum. it was really amazing to see so much of it in person. and yes, we jokingly called these the “spoils of empire”, but it doesn’t make it any less cool to see in person!
they even had roomfuls of assyrian artifacts. seventh-grade-jenn was geeking out for sure.
and to satisfy the morbid part of me, there was an entire “life and death” in ancient egypt section with skeletons and sarcophagi and book of the dead text and real freaking mummies. {insert mind blow emoji here}
after checking out all the egyption stuff, we had maybe half an hour before we had to head out, so we practically ran through the korean and chinese galleries just to see as much as possible. we definitely could have spent at least a couple days here.