blistered shishito peppers

i've had shishito peppers in several restaurants, but i've never made them myself. i can't believe i didn't do it sooner, because it's ridiculously simple.
i simply washed them (no de-stemming or other prep required!), then threw them in a pan over medium-high heat with a little peanut oil and a sprinkling of salt. i wanted them charred and blistered, so i mostly just let them sit, flipping when i could see that happening. to finish, i drizzled some sesame oil on top.
i love how simple and fresh these tasted, though i think next time i'll add just a bit more, like a dash of togarashi or a squeeze of lemon juice, just for that extra kick. most of the peppers are really mild and even on the sweet side, but every once in awhile, one would be really, shockingly hot, so be careful if your heat tolerance isn't very high!