travel, coffeejenn panJanuary 26, 2017national monument, arches, bryce canyon, antelope canyon, horseshoe bend, sunset crater, wupatki, national park, coffee, utah, phoenixComment a cross country road trip : part ii travel, coffeejenn panJanuary 26, 2017national monument, arches, bryce canyon, antelope canyon, horseshoe bend, sunset crater, wupatki, national park, coffee, utah, phoenixComment
travel, coffeejenn panJanuary 19, 2017national park, national monument, canyon de chelly, mammoth cave, hot springs, road tripComment a cross country road trip : part i We took seven days to drive over three thousand miles, across ten different states, visit four national parks and three national moments! This is the first half of our trip.. travel, coffeejenn panJanuary 19, 2017national park, national monument, canyon de chelly, mammoth cave, hot springs, road tripComment