joshua tree national park.

for our first vacation in over a year, we decided to do a small road trip out to palm springs. we used one full day to check out desert X, and another one to visit joshua tree national park. it was also exciting in that this was the first time we took our electric bolt on a road trip! we normally just charge her at home, and in over 5 years of driving an EV, i’d never used a public charger.
unlike the last time we went, it wasn’t in the 110s! in fact, the weather was absolutely gorgeous and in the mid-70s. every time we’ve been to the park it’s been at least in the upper 90s, which means there are several hikes we’ve always wanted to do but it wasn’t safe or smart to do so. one of those hikes is ryan mountain. it’s not a very long hike (3 miles out-and-back), but gains a lot in elevation really quickly.
can you spot the rock climber?
the views that you get heading up the ryan mountain trail are pretty spectacular, and a completely different perspective of the park and rock formations than we’re accustomed to.
at the top of ryan mountain.
begging for some trail mix.
the second hike we did was a much flatter, but much longer trail. willow hole is 7 miles out-and-back, and starts at the boyscout trailhead. this may be my new favorite trail in the park. over the course of the hike you start from walking amongst the joshua trees and other desert flora, with the rock formations in the distance. as you continue, the trail takes you deeper into the aptly named wonderland of rocks. i really love how immersive this trail is. it’s long, but the scenery keeps changing so it really feels like you are getting to experience so many aspects of the park that you can’t from your car or the shorter, more accessible hikes.
it was also particularly nice because we basically had the trail to ourselves. we crossed people going in the opposite direction a few times, but other than that it was just us.
taking a break in an amphitheatre of rocks.
after our two hikes, we were pretty tired and headed back to our hotel in palm springs. after a year at home, getting outside for a few hours in one of our favorite national parks just felt so good.
the tiniest lizard.